Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Elections_and_Voter_Turnout_Worksheet_week 3

Elections_and_Voter_Turnout_Worksheet_week 3

Q 1. Who were the candidates for governor in your state (or state of choice) during the last election? Identify their political party affiliation. Who won the election?2. What were the gubernatorial candidates’ platforms?3. What was the state voter turnout in this election?4. What are three ways to improve voter turnout in the future? 5. What are three ways that citizens can get involved in politics in your state (or state of choice)?

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The candidates for governor in the state of Texas were Mark Tippetts and Lupe Valdez, and Greg Abott during the last election. Greg Abott is form Republican Party, Lupe Valdez is from Democratic Party, and Mark Tippetts is also from Democratic Party. Greg Abott won the election of the stye of Texas.